Join us

Join our affiliate program and earn generous commission on sales by promoting our brand and products.
It's free to join and easy to use.

Get Started Making Money

How to Get Started?

  • Step 1 — Sign Up

    Sign up as a publisher and apply directly to the Puffaland program.

  • Step 2 — Link to Puffaland

    Place links to Puffaland, such as text links and banners, on your website.

  • Step 3 — Readers buy a Puffaland bike

    Readers click on links and order a Puffaland product.

  • Step 4 — Receive Commission

    Receive your commission payment.

Benefits Include

  • Great Commission

    Earn up to 10% commission from all sales driven by you.

  • Long Cookie Period

    Enjoy a 30-daycookie period andnever miss earnings.

  • Simple Process

    Fill in our application form and startright away.

  • Free of Charge

    Membership is totally free, with no entry fee.

  • Promotional Material

    Banners, videos, and more, allprovided by Puffaland.

  • Minimal Risk

    Since you're not responsible for product creation or inventory management, the financial risk associated with affiliate marketing is relatively low.


How does an affiliate program work?

sign up for the program, receive unique tracking links, promote products or services using these links, and earn commissions on successful sales or leads generated through their efforts.

What are the requirements to become an affiliate?

Requirements vary between programs but may include having a website, social media presence, or relevant audience, as well as agreeing to the program's terms and conditions.

How often are affiliate commissions paid out?

Commission payout frequencies vary between programs but can range from monthly to quarterly payouts.

What happens if a customer I referred returns a product?

Depending on the program's policies, affiliates may not receive a commission for returned products, or the commission may be deducted from future payouts.

How are affiliate commissions tracked?

Affiliate commissions are typically tracked through unique affiliate links or tracking codes that are assigned to each affiliate. When a sale or lead is generated through an affiliate link, the system records it, and the affiliate earns a commission.